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sea trout
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.
in the Atlantic Provinces, a variety of trout that spawns in fresh-water rivers.
It is remarkable for the immense shoals of trout (usually called sea trout) which frequent it in spring and autumn.
Sea trout frequent more or less all the rivers in North America. These fish are not the same species as the sea trout of the English and Irish coast; they are shorter and thicker fish, more spotted on the back, and with a yellowish tinge on the belly.
Sea trout are beginning to put in an appearance in Newfoundland rivers.
After you pass a body of water known as Fullerton's Marsh, a good spot for sea trout, you arrive at Mount Herbert
on the Pacific Coast, the steelhead.
See: steelhead
Right now in English Bay you will find the Sea-trout beginning to run and both blue-backs and cohoe being caught.
"Steelheads. Sea trout. That big one must be about fifteen pounds."